'My tree' is a beautiful English Elm in Brighton which has resided at the top of The Level since the 1840’s, at the corner of Lewes Road and Union Road. It is the tree that inspired me to do this walk.
The sight of it makes me feel good when I come round the corner from my house. Its majestic leaning trunk and beautiful domed crown, tower over the Lewes Road. What a magnificent tree it is. Wow!
I care about it. All the more so since the council’s chainsaws have trimmed it right back in 2023 and removed one of its main branches which showed signs of Dutch Elm Disease.
You can see from the photos above that It is not what it was, but I still love it. I know that if Elm Disease has spread into the main trunk the whole tree will have to be cut down.
One ray of hope is that the Council has recently started inoculating Elms on the Level so maybe that will do the trick and protect this magnificent tree, ‘MY TREE’, for future generations to admire and enjoy.
Here is a photo I took in August 2018 looking up into its beautiful canopy in full leaf.
First of all find one that you like. It doesn’t have to grow in your garden, you don’t have to own It. Maybe it is close to where you live, or you see it when you go shopping, or you just pass it when you go for a walk.
No two trees are alike, they are all individuals, each with its own character. If you like a particular tree why don’t you make it ‘your tree’?
It doesn’t have to be a big dominant tree it just needs to mean something to you. You don’t even have to know what it is.
When you decide that it is going to be ‘your tree’ savour the moment. Stop and look at it, look at Its overall shape, its trunk, its leaves, how it sits in its surroundings and any other things that you notice (it helps to take photos).
It’s now ‘your tree’ so make a point of checking it at different times of year, note if and when it has flowers and how it changes (or not) with the seasons. The more you engage with it the more you will feel it becoming ‘MY TREE’.
You can, of course, be greedy and have as many ‘MY TREES’ as you like.
If you need help identifying a tree or want to tell me about 'your tree' just text me, I'd love to hear from you.